Fremont EllisAspen, n.d.
Fremont EllisPlowing the Field, n.d.
Fremont EllisRio Florida, Colorado, n.d.
Fremont EllisSanta Fe Canyon, n.d.
Fremont EllisSummer Crossing, n.d.
Fremont EllisTecolote Village Winter, n.d.
Fremont EllisThe White Gate, n.d.
Fremont EllisUpper Oak Creek, n.d.
Fremont EllisNovember Evening, Village of Tecolote, 1971
Fremont EllisBlue Pool, 1968
Fremont EllisOak Creek Canyon in Spring, 1967
Fremont EllisChapel at Gascon, 1965
Fremont EllisRandall Davey's House-Winter, 1964-65
Fremont EllisOn the Mancos River
Fremont EllisSwinging Footbridge of Red Colt Canyon, n.d.
Fremont EllisAspen Creek, n.d.
Fremont EllisAutumn Laguna Pueblo, n.d.