Santa Fe Estate Sale from a prominent collection: Paintings, Prints, Sculpture, African Tribal Art, Glassware, Ceramics, Collectibles. Over 140 items available.


3 Days Only - Friday July 31 - Sunday August 2. 


You can purchase items online or in person using the following guidelines:


  1. All items below have have a "Buy Now" link to make an easy and safe online purchase. If you do purchase online contact us by clicking on this email link or call us at 505-992-2882 to arrange an appointment to pickup your item on one of these days: Friday July 31 - Saturday August 1, from 10 am to 4 pm; Sunday August 2 from 12 noon and 4pm. We do not have wrapping or packing materials available. Please bring these if you want them for your items.
  2. You can make an appointment to view the sale in person before buying. Appointments are available in 20 minute slots from Friday July 31 - Saturday August 1 from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday August 2 from 12 noon and 4pm
  3. Credit Cards or Cash only - no checks. Please calculate your total purchases including NM Sales tax of 8.4375%.  We will not have change available.
  4. We cannot ship your items. Please contact one of the following shippers and give them the desription and dimensions of your item and they will contact us to make arrangements to pick up your item. You will be responsible for the shipping fees.
    Art Delivery Service - 505.982.6155; ADS email
    PAK MAIL - 505.989.7380; PAK MAIL email


 We hope you find something of interest in this exciting and eclectic estate.